Our School » School Profile

School Profile

Schoolwide Discipline and Safety Plan -
In accordance with the State Education Code, Los Altos maintains a schoolwide discipline and safety plan. The plans delineate emergency management and safety drills. Before, during, and after school, the school site is supervised the Campus Monitor who supervises the grounds for safety and security. Los Altos is a “closed” campus. Sign-in and check-out procedures for student are strictly enforced. All visitors are required to register in the office and to obtain a visitor pass for as long as they are at the site.
School Programs and Practices that Promote a Positive Learning environment

A high priority is placed on academic learning time. Classroom interruptions are kept to a minimum. The core subjects of English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Health, the Arts, and Physical Education are stressed during the instructional day. Homework supports and reinforces subject matter covered in the classroom. Supplemental support is provided to students via the Extended Day and/or Extended Year School Programs. These supplemental programs provide extra learning time and interventions for identified students.

Extensive Staff Development for all teachers and Support Staff is implemented throughout the school year to ensure that students receive the best possible standards-based instruction and to continue to improve student achievement.

Instruction is differentiated daily for all students during Workshop (Universal Access) Time.

School Culture
Awards assemblies recognize students for academic achievement and citizenship and provide an additional venue for students to perform in front of different audiences.

A school uniform policy is in place to keep the focus on learning. The PTA recycles gently worn uniforms to families who request help in this area.

Back to School Night and Open House are always well attended events. Our students are well represented by their parents on these nights.

Los Altos Elementary provides a positive learning environment. Student efforts to follow the school rules are rewarded through a variety of student incentive and award programs. Award Assemblies are held to recognize students for Perfect attendance, and outstanding achievement. Parents are invited to join in the celebration of the students’ accomplishments. Positive Achievements With Success (PAWS) Tickets are awarded to students who follow the school rules. Students have the opportunity to redeem these tickets on a weekly basis in the office.

Health and Well Being
Because many of Los Altos’ children come from economically disadvantaged homes, general health screenings (including vision, hearing, dental and overall health) are provided free to families. These services are offered to ensure that students have every available opportunity for success.

Youngsters who qualify also receive both free or reduced breakfast and lunch. Students who are late to school are provided with a second chance to have breakfast during their first recess.

Suspension and Expulsions
Schoolwide behavior expectations and standards are established at Los Altos Elementary. Copies of the expectations and consequences are provided to each parent and student at the beginning of each school year. The teachers have established their own set of classroom rules and consequences, which they have sent home to parents. In addition, an out of class discipline system ensures that students also conduct themselves properly at all times while in school and / or while participating in school related activities. Furthermore, the teacher, the student, and the parent sign a three-way compact, annually, to strengthen parent support and to increase student achievement. Los Altos Elementary has established a uniform policy and dress code. Vouchers are provided for those students in need. A waiver may be signed to opt-out of the uniform policy for one academic school year and may be renewed yearly.

School Facilities
Los Altos is a well maintained campus with a large green playing field, trees, and play yard. Thanks to the support of local voters, the District successfully passed a school bond in 1998 and in 2004. The money from these bonds, in combination with the availability of matching dollars from the State School Construction Fund, have allowed the District to do the following:

Modernized the restroom facilities and made them handicapped accessible
Converted the cafeteria into a Multi Purpose Room
Constructed a new Library Learning Media Center
Staffed the Library Learning Media Center with a four hour library clerk.

School Instruction and Leadership Capacity Building
Regularly scheduled Grade Level Meetings are held to plan, evaluate, analyze and act on student data. At these meetings, teaches work collaborate to determine the focus and direction of the instructional program which aims at increasing success and achievement. Clear, curricular choices are made to ensure that key content standards, student interventions, and differentiation of instruction is provided to all students. Through the use of a School Governance model, similar to the Professional Learning Community Model, teachers ensure that all the components of the CORE subject areas are taught with fidelity and as they were designed.

A Quarterly Review Process is in place at Los Altos which ensures that each teacher meets with the principal quarterly to discuss the academic progress of each student. Formative assessments are administered regularly to develop next step grade level action plans. This process helps identify individual students or groups of students that require additional support. Differentiated instruction is implemented in the classroom to meet the individual needs, to challenge, and to provide universal access to the curriculum for all students.

Professional Development
Through grade level collaboration, the staff identifies areas where professional development is needed and a list of Professional Development Topics is generated. The topics for this year are the following: Analysis of assessment data, Long Range Planning, Pacing of the Academic Calendar, Teacher Daily Schedules, Emergency Plan, Classroom and Out-of-Classroom Discipline, training on newly adopted core or supplemental programs, Student Intervention Programs for all students (English Learners, Special Education, High Achieving Students, etc.), Special Education, English Language Development, Differentiated Instruction and other specific areas of identified need.

Types of Services Funded
Services funded through supplemental categorical allocations include a four hour health clerk and a seven hour campus monitor. Students in Special Education receive additional instructional support from instructional aides as needed.

Textbooks and Other Instructional Materials
State approved and district adopted textbooks are provided to all students for English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science.